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A 2 hour Car Talk Show available by Satellite Download
Under The Hood® is Americas' Favorite and largest Car talk radio show airing on over 250 stations and one of the top Car Repair Podcasts in America. Started in 1990 the programs three host give car repair and care advice and how-to tips while having fun with the listeners. Get your car repair questions answered and learn more about everything automotive. Thanks for Tuning-In and Tuning-Up with the Motor Medics!
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The name Under The Hood'® as used for any form of automotive show broadcast over the air or by global internet (podcast) as well as ,the Motor Medics® Tune-In and Tune-Up® and Nordstrom's® Automotive Inc. are federal registered trademarks of Nordstrom's® Automotive Inc. and may not be used without our permission. © 1990-2023 The Under The Hood® Radio Network all rights reserved. All automotive repair and help advice written or oral on the Under The Hood® website, facebook, twitter, instagram and radio show and its entities is for entertainment only. Always consult with your own automotive repair technician before attempting any car repairs. Always get your own hands-on vehicle diagnosis before replacing parts or beginning automotive service procedures or repairs. Opinions and/or claims of the people and/or companies interviewed by Under The Hood® are of their own accord and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Nordstrom's® Motor Medics® or Under The Hood®. Always investigate products or services on your own before purchasing or using.
This is the Universal Technical Institute we talk about ion the show
Training tomorrows Technicians
This is the CMN that Chris has been working with for many years
through the Sanford Health Foundation
When you click on these links you leave Under The Hood's Website and go directly
to the sites of UTI or CMN.